
Thomasboro Grade School

Use of ESSER III Funds Plan

Thomasboro Grade School was awarded $1,080416 dollars form the American Rescue Plan. A requirement of the grant is to develop a spending plan, post the plan and allow for public input. Additional requirements are:


$249,331.20 – Learning Loss

$9,236- Summer School

$9236- After School

The following areas must be addressed in the plan

#1. Funds to implement prevention and mitigation strategies that are, to the greatest extent practicable, in line with the most CDC guidance, in order to continuously and safely operate schools for In-Person learning.

Nurse Salary                                                                $14,600

Nurse Benefits                                                            $1,116.90

Janitor Salary (5 hrs. a week for 36 weeks)                $2,781.00

Janitor Benefits                                                           $212.74

Stipend for Increase Bookkeeping due to Grants       $5,000

Stipend Benefits                                                          $602.00

Update faucets, flush valves, water fountains            $17,000

Cameras                                                                      $21,919

Sanitation Supplies                                                     $16,959

Remodel Entry and Office                                          $380,851

#2. Use of the funds (totaling no less than 20% of the total allocation) to address the academic impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence based interventions, such as

  • Summer Learning                                     $48,105
  • Comprehensive Afterschool Program       $100,001
  • Other Math Specialist                               $60,943
  • Other ELA Specialist                                $53,492
  • Other TA’s for Special Education                        $131,513

#3 Spend remaining ARP consistent with ARP Act

  • Focusing on Student Groups most impacted
  • Interventions and Strategies for consideration
  • Support Educators and School Staff
    • Diagnostic and Curriculum embedded assessments         $15,000
    • Professional Development                                                $16,178
    • Supplies and Materials                                                     $15,000

#4 Ensure that the interventions it implements, including but not limited to the interventions under section ARP Act to address the academic impact of lost instructional time, will respond to the academic, social emotional , and mental health needs of all students, and particularly those student disproportionately impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic, including

  • Students from low income families
  • English Learners
  • Children with Disabilities
    • School Social Worker                                                       $63,337
    • Student Service Coordinator (2 years)                             $115,805

#5 Engage in consultation with stakeholders

  • Families
  • School and District administrators
  • Teachers
  • Principals
  • School leaders
  • School Staff, and unions

#6 Provide the public the opportunity to provide input in the district plan for the use of ARP ESSER funds and take such input into account.

#11 Describe how the district will use it ARP-ESSER III funds to meet students’ social, emotional, and academic needs, including through summer enrichment programming and other evidence – based interventions, and how they advance equity for underserved students.

In order to meet the protocols and policy to provide a safe environment we will remodel the entrance and office. This will provide a more secure environment for our students and provide a nursing area that provides quarantine and separation for sick students.

Through the employment of the Math Specialist, ELA Specialist, School Social Worker, Student Service Coordinator, Nurse, Janitor they will increase the academic interventions, programs and safety of the school.

We will assess the students academically and Social and Emotional needs and offer Summer School and Afterschool programs to those in need. We will also provide additional instruction and intervention in Math and ELA.

Below is a link for public input into the use of funds from the ESSER III Grant.